This week my baby turned two! He is still the happiest baby toddler in the world although now he has a lot more ... spunk. This kid loves cars and trucks the way his brother loves animals. So it was a real boy event which was fun for me because I haven't done any rough and tough stuff for a long time.
I'm not joking when I say it was the cheapest, easiest party EVER! It was even all cleaned up an hour after everyone left. Basically two year olds are happy with anything so no need to put a ton of effort in. Also I live in Queensland so you might know it's been raining since 2012!!! I am over it and my creative side is all soggy. (You can tell by my really creative post title.)
Caution Rocky Road!
That teddy has road rage! The night before the party I realised this wooden table from Lochies train set would be great on the green table cloth and then I decided to just put the treats right on top. I would have made an actual sign that read 'Caution Rocky Road' but as you may know I'm lazy two year olds can't read so I just giggled for a good ten minutes to myself.
I saw this truck idea ages ago when my Sister-in-law did it, so much easier than making a truck cake. I put Oreo dirt on top of the cake and a few chocolate honey comb boulders to pad out the gaps. I didn't even wrap that cardboard box it's sitting on! All these ideas have been done before it was all very easy and fun.
They liked the dirt!